Master Awareness
Mastering Awareness is the first step in becoming the best version of yourself. Who are you? The introspective journey within can be quite daunting initially. It can be brutal and filled with gut wrenching blows to the ego, however if you don’t give up you will make it to the other side. It’s never easy doing the shadow work that requires us to accept and acknowledge those not so good qualities about ourselves. However to start the journey of self-love and to master awareness doing the shadow work is absolutely necessary because whatever you run from will haunt you.
Face the lion because if you run he will chase you.
My entire life I was a runner, I ran from my issues whenever something became too difficult I ran. Life taught me that it all eventually catches up with you so why not face the lion. Walk up to the lion and he will disappear, runaway and he will chase you. Agree with your adversaries…
Facing the lion requires courage, patience and strength. It requires a type of resilience that when you are knocked down (which will happen) you will get back up.
There are 3 components to the mind: Know Thyself
1.Subconscious- Power without direction
2.Conscious – Reality and limitation
3.Super Subconscious- (miracles) the divine design, this is often something that’s too good to be true.